Polyurethane Spray Foam Applications
Integrity Foam
Environmental and Cathodic Protection Friendly
Ram River has a proprietary polyurethane spray foam that increases pipeline integrity and allows transmission of CP current.
Please click here for a copy of the Product Qualification Testing (PQT) the describes the on going testing program.

Fiber Optic Conduit Mechanical Protection
Fiber optic leak detection / pipeline monitoring systems are becoming an important part of a pipeline’s integrity system.
Ram River’s Fiber Spray Foam Optic Conduit Mechanical Protection solution protects the conduit during construction to help avoid costly dig ups to repair the conduit if damaged during back fill and helps eliminate potential construction delays.
The spray foam also bonds to both the pipe and the conduit which holds everything in place and helps minimize potential connection breaks during construction and during the operating life of the pipeline.
Trench Breakers For Erosion Barriers
We believe that our erosion system barrier is much more effective than conventional sandbag methods. Polyurethane erosion barriers are applied into the existing pipeline ditch to provide the support needed to keep ditch lines and hillsides in place. These are also crucial in diverting water off the right-of-way.
Polyurethane provides a complete seal and forces water to the top and off the edge of the ditch line. This system also does not rot or break down when covered with soil. As a result, you have an erosion barrier that can feasibly outlast the life of your pipeline.

Rock Shield
Polyurethane foam is one of the most cost effective ways to protect your pipe in rocky conditions. Normally, 50 mm of foam is applied to protect the pipe during the backfill process. In severe conditions, the thickness of foam may be increased. Our coating system far exceeds the quality of protection given by wrap-on products.
Pipe Support
Polyurethane foam pillows or spray-in-place bulk foam provides stability and support to the pipeline structure. By using this as an alternative to sandbagging, you can eliminate the concern of shifting or breaking sandbags.