Offering Quality Inspection Services Nation Wide
Coating Inspector Service Request
Ram River Inspection provides Coating Inspection Services to meet your pipeline field joint coating and rehabilitation coating QC needs in the field.
Coating inspection service provided by Quality Control (QC) pipeline coating experts trained by the industry’s leading coating application experts and qualified by the Vice Chair CSA Technical Subcommittee on Coatings Z245.20 Series and Z245.30 who was also a task force member for the development of CSA Field Applied Coating Z245.30.
All coating inspection data collected digitally providing time stamped and GIS located QC data with pictures. Customized QC reports issued daily, and an interactive KMZ file compatible with Google Earth. Ram River Inspection utilizes Advanced Data Logistics (ADL) field data collection kits. ( )
For more information contact:
Mark William

Ram River Inspection provides Coating Inspection Services for Pipeline Owner Companies and Pipeline Contractors to meet field joint coating and rehabilitation coating QC needs.
If you're interested in being registered as a Ram River Coating Inspector, please complete the short information gathering survey attached to the link below. There is also a place at the end of the survey to upload a complete resume.
Once your information has been reviewed, someone from our team will be in touch to review next steps.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Kael Crichton, P. Eng.
Integrity Engineer